The importance of Vitamin D

The importance of Vitamin D

The importance of Vitamin D, also called the “sunshine vitamin”, is essential for your health. Although our body is able to produce this vitamin under the influence of sunlight, supplementation is often necessary, especially in the winter months. Discover here why vitamin D is so important and how you can ensure you get enough.

Why is Vitamin D crucial?

  • Bones and Teeth: Vitamin D is essential for building strong bones and healthy teeth, both during growth and in adulthood. It promotes the absorption of calcium from food.
  • Resistance: A good vitamin D status supports the immune system, allowing white blood cells to respond more effectively to infections.
  • Cell Growth: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in cell development in various tissues, stimulating the growth of healthy cells and reducing the growth of poorly developed cells.

How do you get enough Vitamin D?

Although the sun is a natural source, there are other ways to ensure your vitamin D intake:
  • Nutrition: Fatty fish such as salmon, eel and mackerel are rich in vitamin D. Meat, whole dairy products, eggs and some butter also contribute to your daily requirement.
  • Supplements: In some cases, supplements are necessary, especially if sunlight exposure is limited.

Reasons for Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Lifestyle: Excessive indoor activities and obesity are associated with vitamin D deficiency.
  • Health issues: Kidney problems, chronic intestinal diseases and medication use can reduce the ability to convert vitamin D.
  • Old age: Older people are at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency due to reduced sun exposure and slow skin production.
  • Vegetarianism: Because vitamin D is mainly found in animal products, vegetarians may be at higher risk of deficiencies.
  • Sunlight in autumn and winter: Limited hours of sunshine and the use of sunscreen can reduce the natural production of vitamin D.

Applications and consequences

  • Bone decalcification: Vitamin D, in combination with calcium, is vital in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Hearing problems and muscle weakness: Vitamin D can help reduce hearing problems and strengthen muscles, which is especially important for the elderly.
  • Consequences of deficiency: From irritability and growth retardation in children to bone pain and reduced immunity in adults, a vitamin D deficiency can cause a variety of health problems.

Recommended daily amount

Make sure you get enough vitamin D. The recommended daily amount is 10 micrograms for both men and women.

Optimize your health with vitamin D – a small investment for great well-being.


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