Menstrual cycle in combination with strength training

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle; You probably recognize it: for a few weeks you are unstoppable, you have energy for 10, a lot of strength during your training and you are also on a roll with a healthy diet and then suddenly you have a week in which you cannot get ahead, you you have cravings, are tired and your workouts are harder than last week. This probably has to do with your menstrual cycle. Your hormones and menstruation have a major influence on your sports performance. In the blog below we will explain what the cycle looks like and how you can best adapt your training and nutrition to your cycle.

Your menstrual cycle consists of four different phases, these phases are also named after the four seasons. In each phase your body has different needs that you can adjust your nutrition and training to. A menstrual cycle lasts an average of 28 days. Everyone has a unique cycle so you can be above or below this for a number of days. A 'normal' cycle falls between 21 and 35 days.

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle

Menstruation – winter

Your new menstrual cycle starts on the first day of your period and lasts on average between 1 and 7 days. From this phase, the hormones slowly increase again. During the menstrual phase the body experiences (heavy) bleeding and sometimes painful cramps. In addition, the body can feel heavy and tired.

  • Movement

Light intensity strength training, yoga or walking can relieve pain and reduce stress in the body. Heat such as a hot water bottle or a warm bath/shower also helps. This increases your blood circulation, which can reduce pain.

  • Power supply

Iron-rich nutrition is important in this phase due to blood loss. These are mainly foods such as red meat, beans, lentils and green leafy vegetables. Provide nutritious and warm meals during your menstrual phase. The hot meals will help reduce cramps and are easier for your body to digest. A cold meal such as a bowl of yogurt or a salad costs your body a lot of energy to digest during menstruation and your body has to work hard during menstruation.

Follicular – spring

The follicular phase begins after menstruation and lasts until ovulation. On average, the follicular phase lasts from day 6 to day 14. In this phase, the body makes a gradual increase in estrogen levels and testosterone. Due to the increased estrogen level such as testosterone, your energy and endurance increase in this phase.

  • Movement

The follicular phase is often seen as the loading phase due to rising testosterone and estrogen. Both boost energy and self-confidence. In addition, your endurance is higher and you can train longer and harder. Intensive workouts such as endurance training, HIIT or heavy ones weight training are ideal for the follicular phase.

  • Power supply

Estrogen often works as a natural appetite suppressant, causing you to experience less hunger and cravings in this phase. Make sure you get enough calcium, zinc, vitamin E and antioxidants. Products included include pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, green leafy vegetables and berries.

Ovulation – summer

The ovulation phase starts after the follicular, this often happens between day 12 and day 17. In this phase your body is in a peak in estrogen. This provides a lot of energy, better and faster recovery and a greater need for social activities.

  • Movement

During ovulation is the perfect time to challenge yourself for heavier strength training or a HIIT workout.

  • Power supply

Due to the peak in estrogen, you may experience less appetite. Make sure you have enough protein-rich food to support repair and build-up. In addition, choose fiber-rich food, sufficient vitamin B and omega 3. Products that fall under this are fruit, vegetables, whole grains, eggs, oily fish and chia seeds.

Luteal – autumn

The luteal phase starts after ovulation. This phase lasts until your period and lasts an average of 14 days. During the luteal phase, progesterone increases. Progesterone is a sex hormone that is produced during the luteal phase and has a dominant role in the last 2 phases of the menstrual cycle. This hormone, together with estrogen (dominant role in the first 2 phases), regulates the menstrual cycle and is important for fertility. In this phase you often experience less energy and more fatigue. You may also experience tender breasts, bloating and/or emotional fluctuations. Your weight can also fluctuate in the luteal phase.

  • Movement

Low intensity such as strength training with less weight or fewer repetitions, light cardio, walking or yoga

  • Power supply

During the luteal phase your appetite may increase, this is completely normal because your metabolism at rest is higher than in other phases. Make sure you get enough products with magnesium, vitamin B6 and calcium. In addition, there is a good balance between proteins and healthy fats also important. Products included here include nuts and seeds, green leafy vegetables, chicken, fish, eggs and whole grain products.

Cycle tracking without contraception with hormones; menstrual cycle

Nowadays there are more and more options to track your cycle. There are apps in which you can keep track of your cycle. In addition to tracking in an app, it is also possible to track your cycle based on your basal body temperature. A device that makes this easy is Daysy. Daysy is a temperature meter that allows you to measure your basal temperature in the morning immediately after waking up. Daysy has a linked app on your mobile phone that gives you an overview of your temperature. You can also record any symptoms in the app. By measuring your temperature daily you gain insight into which phase of your cycle you are in.

Menstrual cycle daysy

Menstrual cycle daysy

Possible causes of disruption in a menstrual cycle
  • Stress
  • Malnutrition
  • Underweight
  • Excessive exercise
  • Griep
  • Deficiency of vitamins D, C, magnesium and/or zinc
  • Medication use

Would you like to exercise and eat according to your menstrual cycle? Our experienced personal trainers can help you plan your workouts based on your needs and goals, taking into account your menstrual cycle. We ensure the right adjustments to your training and provide nutritional advice based on your cycle for optimal results and an optimal menstrual cycle. What are you waiting for? Your journey begins !

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