Cat crawl

Cat Crawl: A dynamic core exercise

De Cat Crawl, also known as Bear Crawl, is a challenging and effective exercise that improves your core strength, stability and coordination. This dynamic move mimics the movement of a feline, making it a fun and functional addition to your exercise routine.

What is the Cat Crawl?

The Cat Crawl is a full-body exercise where you move on all fours, with your knees slightly off the ground. It simulates the way a cat crawls, hence the name. This exercise requires strength and coordination throughout your body, with emphasis on your core muscles.

Execution technique of the Cat Crawl

  1. Starting position: Stand on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles contracted.
  2. Movement: Lift your knees a few inches off the ground and begin to slowly crawl using your hands and feet. Keep your hips low and your back straight as you move.
  3. coordination: Try to move your left hand and right foot forward at the same time, followed by your right hand and left foot. Maintain a steady and controlled motion as you crawl forward.
  4. Distance and reps: Determine the distance you want to cover and the number of repetitions you want to perform. Start with short distances and build up slowly as you get stronger.

Benefits of the Cat Crawl

  • Improved core strength: The Cat Crawl requires constant activation of your abdominal and back muscles to keep your body stable during the movement, resulting in a strong and stable core.
  • Increase in coordination: This exercise requires good coordination between your limbs and your core, which improves your neuromuscular coordination.
  • Functional strength: The movement of the Cat Crawl mimics everyday movements, making it a functional exercise that helps improve your overall strength and mobility.

Tips for beginners

  • Start with short distances and focus on performing the movement correctly.
  • Make sure you tighten your abdominal muscles and keep your back straight throughout the exercise.
  • Take breaks if necessary and don't push yourself to do too much at first.


The Cat Crawl is a challenging exercise that improves your core strength, stability and coordination. Add this dynamic move to your workout routine to improve your overall fitness and enjoy the many benefits it provides for your body and health.

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