The importance of Vitamin E

The importance of Vitamin E

The importance of Vitamin E, an essential antioxidant, is a powerful protector of our body against harmful influences. This vitamin, consisting of four tocopherols, plays a crucial role in strengthening skin cells and is often added to skin creams for optimal results. Here you will find everything about the functions, nutritional sources, causes of deficiencies, applications and more of this vitamin that boosts your health.

Functions of vitamin E: protection and blood thinning

Antioxidant: Vitamin E is your shield against harmful free radicals, which are byproducts of metabolism. It protects sensitive substances such as unsaturated fatty acids and hormones against oxidation. Blood thinner: Vitamin E prevents the clumping of platelets in the veins, which promotes blood circulation.

Nutrition: discover the sources of vitamin E

The main sources of vitamin E are sunflower oil and seeds, followed by diet low-fat margarine, grains, nuts, vegetables and fruit. Here are some examples of foods and their vitamin E content:

Causes of deficiencies: nutrition, environment and fat intake

Vitamin E deficiencies can be caused by unhealthy diets and losses during modern production methods. Environmental influences such as air and water pollution increase the need for vitamin E. Problems in fat absorption due to liver, pancreas or bile problems also contribute to deficiencies.

Uses of Vitamin E: More than just an antioxidant

Consequences of a disturbed vitamin E balance: take action

A disturbed vitamin E balance can lead to increased infertility, miscarriages, muscle weakness and anemia. The recommended daily amount of vitamin E is: Choose health and discover the power of vitamin E for a vital and balanced life!

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