

Next to macronutrients are still there micronutrients. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are micronutrients. You only need micronutrients in small quantities every day, but they are essential for good resistance and functioning of the body.




Vitamins can be divided into 2 groups, fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. There are 13 different types in total. The fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins are mainly found in fat. The water-soluble vitamins are all B vitamins and vitamin C. The functions of vitamins in your body are very diverse.

Below you will find a brief summary of the function of the vitamins and a source that supplies the vitamins

Vitamins Role Source
Vitamin A · Growth of bones and teeth


· Formation and maintenance of hair, mucous membranes and skin

· Building block of the pigment in the eye

· Liver (beef)


· Whole dairy products (milk, cheese)

· Egg

Spreading and cooking fats (butter)

· Green leafy vegetables

· Orange-yellow fruits/vegetables

Vitamin D · Growth of teeth and bones


· Maintenance of nervous system and cardiac activity

· Exposure of skin to sunlight, 15 minutes per day


· Whole milk products (cheese)

· Fatty fish

· Egg yolk

Spreading and cooking fats (butter)

Vitamin E · Protects tissue and blood cells against breakdown · Whole grains


· Nuts

· Spreading and cooking fats (oil)

· Broccoli

· Fruits

Vitamin K · Blood clotting


· Bone metabolism

· Liver


· Meat

· Whole dairy products

· Green leafy vegetables

Vitamins Role Source
Vitamin B1 · Growth and muscle tone


· Carbohydrate digestion

· Potatoes


· Brewer's yeast

· Oat flakes

· Germs

· Vegetables

Vitamin B2 · Keeping skin and hair healthy


· Digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats

· Eggs


· Green leafy vegetables

· Dairy

· Liver

· Germs

Vitamin B3 · Needed to get energy from food · Fish


· Meat

· Cereal products

· Vegetables

· Potatoes

Vitamin B5 · Role in digestion · Cereal products


· Fruits and vegetables

· Legumes

· Meat

· Eggs

Vitamin B6 · Production of body tissues


· Protein digestion

· Garlic


· Potatoes

· Bananas

· Avocado

· Liver (calf)

· Whole grain products

· Legumes

Vitamin B8 · Digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins · Soybeans


· Oat flakes

· Eggs

· Milk

· Vegetable

Vitamin B9 · Red blood cell production


· Development of genetic material

· Whole grain products


· Green vegetables

· Fruits

· Eggs

· Dairy products

Vitamin B12 · Cell development and functioning of the nervous system · Meat


· Fish

· Milk

· Eggs

Vitamin C · Defense against diseases


· Promotes iron absorption

· Production of hormones

· Potatoes


· Vegetable

· Citrus fruits

Minerals and trace elements; Micronutrients

Minerals are needed as building materials for repair and growth of the skeleton and body tissue. The best known minerals are magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. The body only needs a very small amount of some minerals, these are known as trace elements. The best known trace elements are iron, zinc and iodine.

minerals Role Source
Potassium · Regulate blood pressure


· Regulate fluid balance

· Contraction of muscles and transmission of stimuli through the nerves

· Cereal products


· Raw green vegetables

· Fruits

· Potatoes


Magnesium · Muscle contraction (including cardiac muscle)


· Transmission of nerve impulses

· Bone building and development

· Cereal products


· Legumes

· Nuts

· Cacao

· Chocolate

Phosphorus · Bone formation and skeletal strength · Cereal products


· Meat

· Fish

· Eggs

Sodium · Regulate fluid balance


· Contraction of muscles and transmission of stimuli through the nerves

· (Kitchen) salt
Calcium · Blood clotting


· Building material bones and teeth

· Transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions

Dairy products (milk, cheese and yoghurt)


· Green leafy vegetables

· Broccoli

·       Nuts

· Soybeans

Trace elements Role Source
Iron · Oxygen transport via the blood · Meat


· Fish

· Eggs

· Cereal products

· Legumes

Zinc · Action of numerous enzymes


· Construction of proteins

· Growth of tissue

· Good functioning of the immune system

· Cereal products


· Dairy products

· Cheese

· Nuts

· Meat

· Shellfish

Iodine · Thyroid hormone · Seaweed


· Fish

· Shellfish

· Iodised salt

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