Protein-rich French toast

Delicious protein-rich French toast for a nutritious breakfast

Are you looking for protein-rich French toast to start your day right? This recipe is packed with protein and healthy ingredients to give you energy and keep you satiated until lunch. With the delicious addition of fresh fruit, low-fat cottage cheese and maple syrup, this breakfast will really be a party on your plate.

Protein-rich French toast

Protein-rich French toast

Why have a protein-rich breakfast?

Protein is essential for a healthy diet, especially at breakfast. They help your muscles recover after a night of rest and give you long-lasting energy to get through the morning. Moreover, they contribute to a feeling of satiety, making you less likely to reach for unhealthy snacks.

Ingredients for protein-rich French toast:

  • 3 slices of sourdough bread
  • 1 egg + 1 egg white
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Pinch of cookie and gingerbread spices
  • Pinch of salt
  • 75 ml almond milk
  • 150 grams of freshly mixed red fruit
  • 10 ml maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese
  • Coconut oil or butter

Preparation method for protein-rich French toast:

  1. Mix the egg, egg white, vanilla protein powder, almond milk, cinnamon, salt and cookie and gingerbread spices well until a smooth substance.
  2. Dip a slice of bread on both sides into the egg mixture.
  3. Heat some oil in a pan and let it get hot. Then place the bread slice in the pan and fry until golden brown in 2 to 3 minutes. Turn the slice over and fry on the other side until golden brown for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. Repeat this process with the remaining slices of bread.
  5. Sprinkle the French toast with extra cinnamon and serve with freshly mixed red fruit, low-fat cottage cheese and maple syrup.
Enjoy this nutritious and tasty breakfast to start your day right!
Protein-rich French toast

Protein-rich French toast

Discover even more tasty options in our recipe collection:

Healthy cottage cheese with fruit: Treat yourself to a refreshing and nutritious snack with this combination of creamy cottage cheese and fresh fruit. Packed with proteins, vitamins and minerals for an energy boost at any time of the day.

Acai bowl with mango: Enjoy an exotic and nutritious treat with this delicious acai bowl, filled with the sweet taste of mango and the antioxidant-rich acai berry. A refreshing and nutritious start to the day or a healthy snack option.

Protein-rich pancakes: Treat yourself to these light and nutritious pancakes, made with a protein-rich batter for long-lasting energy. A delicious and nutritious option for breakfast, lunch or even as a snack.

Protein-rich French toast

Protein-rich French toast

Also read our blogs:

"Protein and strength training: build a strong body”: Discover how proteins play a crucial role in building muscle and promoting recovery after strength training. Learn how to make the most of protein to reach your fitness goals.

"Proteins and their importance during strength training“: Learn the science behind proteins and discover why they are essential for strength training success. Learn how to optimize your protein intake to achieve maximum results.

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