Losing weight in Eindhoven

Losing weight in Eindhoven

If you want losing weight in Eindhoven with the help of Personal Training you are up to date Aurora Personal Training at the right place. Our experienced personal trainers are ready to guide you on your journey to a fitter and healthier life. In this blog we would like to share how our program can help you lose weight successfully, which mistakes are regularly made and which steps you can take yourself.

Fit in 90 days

The Fit in 90 days program from Aurora Personal Training offers the structure and support you need to successfully lose weight and achieve your goals. We believe in a personal approach because no two people are the same. At Aurora you therefore receive a tailor-made training schedule tailored to your specific goal, level and needs. When losing weight, at Aurora Personal Training we focus on fat loss and muscle maintenance or muscle building.

In addition to the physical aspect, we also look at mental and emotional well-being. The Fit in 90 days program not only contains effective workouts but also nutritional advice, mindset coaching and support in developing a healthy lifestyle. With our holistic approach we ensure that you not only lose fat but also become healthier and happier.

Losing weight in Eindhoven

Losing weight in Eindhoven

Measurements and evaluations

During the Fit in 90 days program, your results are tracked based on evaluations and measurements. If necessary, your program will be adjusted based on the results and your goals. The measurements to track your progress consist of a circumference measurement and a skinfold measurement. During the circumference measurement we measure the circumference of various body parts such as the waist, hips, arms and legs. The skinfold measurement uses a skinfold meter to measure the thickness of the skinfolds in various places on your body, such as the abdomen, thighs and arms. The combination of these two measurement methods provides good insight into the changes in your body (muscle / fat ratio)

Losing weight in Eindhoven

Losing weight in Eindhoven

Common mistakes during weight loss
  • Too little to eat
    Although it may seem like you are losing weight quickly, this is an unhealthy way and cannot be maintained in the long term. It often causes a yo-yo effect where you quickly gain weight again after a short period of losing weight.
  • Just focus a lot on the scale
    The scale is an incomplete indicator. In addition, there are many factors that influence the results of the scale. Consider an increase in muscle mass, fluid fluctuations or the phase of the menstrual cycle. If your weight does not immediately drop or fluctuate, this does not mean that you have not lost excess fat.
  • Focusing too much on calorie intake
    Counting calories can be useful to become aware of your intake, but in addition to calories, it is also important to look at the nutritional value of a product. Your body needs nutritious products to function properly. Think about Macronutrients  en micronutrients.
  • Not having a plan or/and structure
    Losing weight without a plan often works well for a short period of time. As soon as your day goes differently than planned or your structure is broken, you forget your goals because you don't have a plan to stick to. Skipping exercise once doesn't seem to do any harm until you stop going and have to start again. Having structure in your day and an action plan ensures that you will achieve your short and long-term goals.
  • Insufficient sleep/rest
    You don't get enough rest and sleep too little, which means your body cannot recover sufficiently and your hormones become out of balance. The result of this is that your feeling of hunger increases and your feeling of satiety decreases. You will be more likely to reach for an unhealthy meal and will not feel good when your body has had enough. Make sure you get enough rest and sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a night.
Losing weight in Eindhoven

Losing weight in Eindhoven

Tips that you can already get started with
  1. Make sure you get enough exercise, for example take your bike to the supermarket or use the stairs instead of the elevator
  2. Eat enough vegetables and fruit
  3. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day
  4. Eat 3 to 4 meals a day
  5. Get enough sleep, preferably at least 7 to 8 hours per night
  6. Address your stressors to reduce stress.

Do you need help losing weight in Eindhoven? Our team of experts is ready to help you achieve a healthier and more energetic lifestyle. Contact us at the bottom of this page.

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